Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Greatest Ambition and The Rain Horse reflection

My Greatest Ambition

This short story was written by Morris Lurie it has effectively shown the feelings of excitement and anxiety in the protagonist.

The protagonist, who is a young boy, has a dream to become a comic strip artist and make comics. it seems to be his Greatest Ambition.

His dream was coming true as he was heading for a meeting (Probably to determine whether or not he becomes a comic strip artist or not) and is showing signs of giving a good impression (e.g. wondering what to wear, as he considers it his job to be a really important step of his life.

The feelings of anxiety and excitement are interlinked together and form the basis of criticism in the story as they give a twist in the mood of the story shifting the setting occasionally.

Role: Vocabulary enricher

Personal thoughts: 
I liked this story. It was rather inspirational and it teaches people to follow their dreams and to not hold back. The protagonist's dream was to be a comic strip artist, and eventually, he did become one!

I've always wanted to direct movies and act. This story is somewhat of a motivation to follow my dreams and persevere.

BUT I DIGRESS! Overall, I would recommend this story to anyone who feels down and out. It really gives a message to people to hang in there.

The Dark Horse

Probably the most interesting out of the 4 short stories I've read. This short story was written by Ted Hughes.

There lived a young man who grew up in a farm, and then moved to the city for 12 years.

He went for a business career and was successful for the past twelve years. He wanted to go back home to relive his childhood memories.

Instead of an enjoyable walk down memory lane, he ended up being unhappy and quite miserable as he saw the condition of his home. 

Later, he encountered a horse and it attacked him after they stared down at each other.

The man managed to hold his ground and defeat the horse. He was forced back into reality, wondering what was going on. He felt somewhat lost. 

He sadly felt disconnected from where he grew up and didn't feel like the same person as he was before to a point where he questions his sanity.

Role: Summariser.

Personal thoughts:
A very interesting story which is based on the nature of mentality. Another story I can relate to as I am a bit crazy on the inside (I am, really). 

It has a mysterious atmosphere and the transition of the theme of the story made it extremely interesting. Like how the story started off as.

It started off, showing a happy lad wanting to visit home, and then it darkens down to something depressing and somewhat psychological. 

The story makes you think a lot. Did he really get attacked by a horse? Was he losing his mind? It's up to the reader to decide. 

This story is indeed fantastic!

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